Monday 29 February 2016

My Steamy Little Tramp

I'd like to introduce to a steamy little tramp called Jennifer Dee. We've been spending a lot of time together recently and I've really come to appreciate her fine lines...

OK, that's enough hinting and silly innuendo. The "Jennifer Dee" is a 1:56 scale model of a tramp steamer for use in Pulp / VBCW gaming and is also my entry in the Nautical Bonus Round of the 6th Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

Most of her is put scratch built using a range of materials, most notably blue insulation foam, various thicknesses of card and foamcore, timber and plasticard. The only commercial components are the anchors, bollards, life preservers and ventilators. These are all difficult to model quickly because of the compound curves so I elected to spend my time elsewhere because I knew she'd be a bit effort anyway.

Do go and have a look at all the wonderful entries and vote for your favourites while you're at it!


Saturday 27 February 2016

The Challenge (Day 70); The Importance of Maintaining Focus (and the Concept of Escalation)

70 days into my first Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, and while I'm not exactly hitting sixes with my output, I'm doing better than I expected (if not as well as I'd hoped!).

When last I posted, I'd just thrown my hat into the ring with my Nostalgia Bonus Round entry, Mark Copplestone's excellent 'Captain Spaulding' miniature. I flatter myself that I've been a little more productive since then.

So let's recap;

My second figure for the Challenge was the price of my admission, or 'Curtgeld' - each Challenger has been asked to submit a figure representing a risk-taker or gambler, and the wily Odysseus fits the bill perfectly. He's a Foundry casting by Alan Perry, and is part of their Mycenaeans & Trojans range.

Next off the table were two Pulp adventurers, again courtesy of Copplestone Castings.

The pulp adventure theme continued with my next submission, Bob Murch's characterful fundraiser for Movember, "Captain Krustache of Kashgar". The good captain has been pressed into service to represent a character in our regular Pulp RPG campaign.

Well, all this artisan-level derring-do is all very well, but it doesn't exactly help me reach my target of 200 points! So I decided to switch to painting a unit of troops instead.

These are Agema plastic Roman Velites, based with a North African theme for the Punic Wars. Lots of detail on these very fine plastics, and I hope I've done them justice.

That's all for the moment; it would be nice to try and produce another unit before the Challenge ends, but there are several skirmish-level gangs, warbands and characters competing for my attention as well, so who knows what will be next out of the box?

Stay tuned!


Tuesday 16 February 2016

I made an... ummm.... luvvy thing!

The latest bonus round for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is online.
The theme for this round is L'amour and I've gone with... this!

It's probably best to let it speak for itself. Don't forget to vote for all your favourite entries!


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Painting Challenge Bonus Round - Dark Age Fort!

This week saw me submit my third bonus round entry into Curt's wonderful Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. The theme for this round was Defensive Terrain so I took the opportunity to scratch-build a "small" Norman motte and bailey fort for use in dark age gaming.

You can view more images and the background here. While you're there please take the time to look at the other super entries and cast you vote for your favourites.

Thanks for popping by!

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