Monday 29 September 2008

Russ' Seleucid Empire of Vastness

Howdy to the WWW,

So I was in Europe for 4 weeks back in May/Jun 08 for a couple of weddings and a generally fantabulous time. When I return to the great land of Oz Millsy and his cohort Pete (Nug) tell me that they have decided to play a new wargame. Ok I said hesitantly. Which one? Field of Glory was the reply and we are doing the armies in 15mm. My first thought is ELEPHANTS! I then thought hmmm perhaps reading a list or two and mayhap even the rules would be a good second step. So part of the second step complete (reading lists) I decided upon on army. I choose the Late Seleucid list for a couple of reasons
1 Elephants (of course!)
2 Scythed Chariots (historically poor units but way cool looking!)
3 Camelry - why have horses when you can have camels - I mean really?
4 I'd like to pretend there were more practical (or even tactical) reasons for my decision but sadly the above pretty much covers why I now have a huge phalanx to paint....
Ok so here is the list I came up with after looking through the FOG forums and getting some advice from Millsy and Nug. This won't be always the list I play as I like to have variety – sometimes I’ll swap Elephants for Chariots or Thureophoroi for Galatian warriors but the basics will remain the same.
1 x C-in-C [Field Commander] - 50pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
Core Troops
4 x Companions [Cavalry, Armoured, Elite, Drilled] - 80pts
6 x Cataphract [Cataphract, Heavily Armoured, Superior, Drilled] - 120pts
12 x Phalanx [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] – 72 pts
12 x Phalanx [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] – 72 pts
8 x Archers [Medium Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 24pts
8 x Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 16pts
8 x Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 16pts
6 x Thureophoroi [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 48pts
8 x Argyraspids [Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior, Drilled] - 112pts
Optional Troops
2 x Elephants [Elephants, -, Average, Undrilled] - 50pts
4 x Arab Camelry [Camelry, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 40pts
Total 805 pts
Tomorrow I’ll go through how I choose my miniatures and give you some pics of the in progress stuff (and the pile of metal still to go.....)

Millsy's Burgundian Ordonnance

I wasn't intending to post my Burgundian Ordonnance here until they were entirely complete, however they are taking a little longer than hoped and holding up the Carthaginians.

Therefore, in the interest of keeping the posts coming, here's my 800 point Burgundian Ordonnance list (numbers are bases, each line is a Battle Group). Hopefully painting will be complete by week's end and I can post some pics...

1 x C-in-C [Field Commander] - 50pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Allied Commander - 25pts

Core Troops
4 x Ordonnance Men-at-Arms [Knights, Heavily Armoured, Average, Drilled] - 84pts
4 x Ordonnance Men-at-Arms [Knights, Heavily Armoured, Average, Drilled] - 84pts
4 x Ordonnance Men-at-Arms [Knights, Heavily Armoured, Average, Drilled] - 84pts
6 x Mixed Pike Longbow [Heavy/Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 48pts
6 x Mixed Pike/Longbow [Heavy/Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 48pts
6 x Mixed Pike/Longbow [Heavy/Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 48pts
4 x Ordonnance Crossbowmen [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 28pts
6 x Ordonnance Handgunners [Light Foot, Uprotected, Average, Drilled] - 24pts

Optional Troops
4 x Italian Mounted Crossbowmen [Light Horse, Uprotected, Average, Drilled] - 28pts
8 x Yorkist Allied Billmen [Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior, Drilled] - 104pts
8 x Yorkist Allied Retinue Longbowmen [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 72pts

Total: 797pts

As I hinted, pics to come soon once I've finished painting the last few figs...


Thursday 25 September 2008

Corvus Belli Carthaginian Figures

I did a lot of comparison and research when choosing a manufacturer for my figures. In the end it turned out that Corvus Belli, a Spanish company, is by far the best for 15mm Carthaginians figs IMHO. Quite a few people on the FoG Forum backed this up.

The Corvus Belli range is great. The figs are well proportioned and animated and the sculpting very detailed. Some weapons come loose with an open handed cast so you can change things around for extra variety.

I'm still waiting on a few bags of cavalry but otherwise this is the pile I have to deal with in the near future...

I'm going with an MDF base and then magnets on the underside for ease of travel. There are a couple of guys on eBay who sell pre-cut MDF in appropriate sizes at very reasonable prices and I've picked up a bunch of A4 sheet magnet with a sticky back so assembly should go simply.

One of the other guys in our group has found a supplier of detailed resin tents in 15mm (Baueda) so I've snaffled something Roman (in true Carthaginian style!) to go with some cattle and civilian style Corvus Belli figs for my camp.

That's about all for now. Next up, unbagging and starting work (groan!).


Millsy's Carthaginians

First things first, here is my initial 800 point list for Carthaginians (numbers are bases, each line is a Battle Group).

Having only played one game prior to building the list I posted a couple of questions on the FoG official forum and got plenty of great help and advice for which I am very grateful.

Just how well the list plays in the hands of a relative noob remains to be seen once they hit the table...

1 x C-in-C [Inspired Commander] - 80pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts

Core Troops
4 x Spanish Cavalry [Cavalry, Armoured, Superior, Undrilled] - 64pts
6 x Spanish Cavalry [Cavalry, Protected, Superior, Undrilled] - 72pts
4 x Numidian Light Cavalry [Light Horse, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 28pts
4 x Numidian Light Cavalry [Light Horse, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 28pts
8 x African Spearmen [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drillled] - 64pts
8 x African Spearmen [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drillled] - 64pts
8 x Numidian Javelinmen [Light Foot, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 32pts
6 x Spanish Javelinmen [Light Foot, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 24pts
6 x Spanish Mercenary Scutarii [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Undrilled] - 42pts
6 x Balearic Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Superior, Undrilled] - 30pts

Optional Troops
4 x Libyphonecian Cavalry [Cavalry, Armoured, Superior, Drilled] - 68pts
12 x Gallic (Celtiberian) Foot [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Undrilled] - 84pts
2 x Elephants - 50pts

Total: 800pts

Next up, a whole great pile of figs...

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