Wednesday 20 April 2011

Lead Painter's League 5 - Rnd 6

Lead Painter's League 5 - Rnd 6 notes

Her are my photo details from round 6.

for those who are not aware of the competition have a look here, its pretty cool

So here is the pic in question

The Figures

This time the figures are from someone different from usual, being "German zombies ii" from Secrets of the third reich, they make some cool wierd WW2 if you haven't looked. The fig covering his face is a RAFM gangster but he works much better as a zombie I reckon. As before all figs were painted with acrylic paints being a mix of humbrol, vallejo, the skin colour was achieved with Coat d'arms green ink over humbrol skin then magic ink (sepia) washed.

As usual finished with the gloss varnish, sorry everyone

Taking the photo

I took the photo using a Pentax K-7, with a 90mm lens on a 1 sec exposure (with a cable release) at F36 using a mix of natural and Fluro light. I manually set the white balance too. As I have found before this gives a particularly vivid green cast to the pics which in this case I thought looked cool. Using cotton wool to make mist I thought worked quite well

Current voting is too close too call, so make yours count :-)

More next week

Thursday 14 April 2011

Lead Painter's League 5 - Rnd 5

Here are my photo details from round 5.

for those who are not aware of the competition have a look here, its pretty cool

my first win last week - Yeah!

So here is the pic in question

The Figures

These are a mix of figs with 3 figs from Bob Murch's Pulp figures Safari, with a little modification. I added a slung rifle to the female fig and used a redoubt ECW head to swap on the fig reloading the rifle. Then there is Rocky O'Rourke from Artizan and an American adventure from Copplestone Casting. As before all figs were painted with acrylic paints being a mix of humbrol, vallejo, then magic ink (sepia) wash.

finished up with ... you guessed it, gloss varnish

Taking the photo

I took the photo using a Pentax K-7, with a 90mm lens on a 3 sec exposure (with a cable release) at F36 again with only natural light, that's why it's so much longer an exposure. This seems to have worked a lot better despite looking incredibly dark before editing. Still almost no shadows which is great. Leaving the white balance on cloudy is still working well.

I also thought taking the pic from the plastic dinosaur's POV was cool too

This week gloss hate has reared its ugly head again :-) and I am being savaged in the voting which is a bit of a downer since I think its my best pic so far, but apart from re varnishing my figs there is not much I can do

till next week

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Lead Painter's League 5 - Rnd 4 notes

Here are my photo details from round 4.

for those who are not aware of the competition have a look here, its pretty cool

So here is the pic in question

The Figures

The Cult priest is a RAFM cultist, while the rest of them are from Bob Murch's Pulp figures and are the brilliant Gasmask cultists. The little gravestone / altar is an old piece of RAFM terrain I think, with a 1980's citadel skeleton put in it. As before all figs were painted with acrylic paints being a mix of humbrol, vallejo, then magic ink (sepia) wash. The blood red was almost the last of my 10 year old citadel blood red, a beautiful colour, and a terrible paint it took at least 6 coats to get an even finish.

finished up with ... you guessed it, gloss varnish

Taking the photo

I took the photo using a Pentax K-7, with a 90mm lens on a 3 sec exposure (with a cable release) at F36 but this time only using natural light, that's why it's so much longer an exposure. This seems to have worked a lot better despite looking incredibly dark before editing. I also expected the shadows to effect the pic a lot more than I did, so I am sticking with this method for the rest of my pics. I set the white balance to cloudy instead of manually setting it and that also worked better too.

So obviously despite being brighter and removing the shadows, the mix of the different temperature lights sources made for a poor photo.

This week it looks like I'm finally being competitive in the voting !

next week Africa
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