Saturday 31 January 2015

Painting Challenge Update

I'm a bit behind on my Painting Challenge Updates because I've been chained to the table in a desperate bid to take down Dave Docherty in our little side challenge. As of yesterday my efforts paid off (thankfully!) but it does mean I've been remiss in showing off new toys. So without further ado, here's some more of the recently painted stuff...

First up is the 1st Novi Byelgorod Grenadiers of Velikye Byelgorodniya, an elite unit from my mate Evan's army in our imagi-nations project, Die Krieg des Zobelshuts. Velikye Byelgorodniya is an 18thC Russian analogue and the uniforms follow the Russian style of the period (up to a point anyways). The miniatures are the wonderful Front Rank SYW Russians. Along with Artizan and Copplestone they are my favourites in the historical 28mm space. I made a bit of a hash of the order for these (to say the least!) and ordered officers for all the troops. I figured given the status of the unit that was OK though and they look pretty good en masse...

Next up are some Scots foote for my ECW project. These are all Renegade Miniatures and I've painted them as a generic unit for use by either side. The plaid was a learning experience but one that I enjoyed and I'm confident doing it now. It's all part of growing as a painter and all that.

 And here's a shot of all the ECW that was painted during the Challenge this year.

Lastly, a few pulp miniatures from the "undercoated and then forgotten" pile who took my fancy as something different to break the monotony. These rather exotic chaps are "WW1 Germans with Rocket Packs" from Eureka Miniatures and fall well and truly into that category. I believe they are now out of production which is a real shame. Now "WW1 Germans with Rocket Packs" is not a very inspiring name so I prefer to refer to them as "Raketenschiffjager", which to me sounds a lot more Pulpy.

Right, that's your lot for now. I'll try and swing another post or two this weekend to catch up. I've been promising a few pics of my entire ECW collection and the weather is fine. Maybe that'll happen sooner rather than later.


Thursday 29 January 2015

150,000 Page Views

It seems we have passed the 150,000 page views milestone here on the C&G blog some time in the last few days. Considering we only passed the 100K mark back in July 2014 that's something I find quite remarkable. We've now reached 220 followers too which is an increase of 50 and which has a lot to do with the increasing traffic I imagine.

Thanks everyone who drops by, leaves comments and indulges in the banter. Gaming and painting is fun but never more so than when you do it in good company.

All the best,
Millsy and Ev (plus hangers on)

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Just a quick post today in the form of a single miniature, a Pegasus for the Myth bonus round of Curt's Painting Challenge. There's still time to vote so head on over to the bonus rounds blog.

Not necessarily an enjoyable paint job but certainly challenging. It's well outside my normal sort of thing and required some thinking and more than a little care, especially on the wings.

I've no idea who sculpted or produces the miniature as I picked it up from a bargain bin at MOAB in January earlier this year. If you know the details please leave a comment!

And that's your lot for today. I'll be back on the weekend with another big challenge update, almost certainly smelling faintly of bleach.


Monday 19 January 2015

Painting Challenge Update

The brush is still flying about at a fair pace here at Millsy Towers and it's time for another Painting Challenge update. My last batch of submissions included some more 28mm ECW and a further addition to my 40K Space Marines.

First up some generic Scots pike that can be used for either side...

I'd never painted plaid before but after a few attempts I got something I'm pretty happy with.

Next up was some mounted dragoons, Aston's to be precise...

On the 40K side of things I finished a small squad of Veterans with close combat weapons...

This was backed up by some heavy armoured support (at last!) in the form of a Predator Annihilator to help deal with the bigger nasties out there.

That lot took me past my previous highest point total for a Challenge and there's plenty of time left yet. I'll breach the 2000 point mark this week with the remaining Scots (shotte) and some other bits and bobs.

Before I go there's just time to welcome Just John, Bruce Sutton, Martin Cooke, Carlo Pagano, David F and Foss1066 who have all joined us recently. Great to have you aboard folks!


Sunday 18 January 2015

Fletcher Pratt's Naval War Game is...


I finally received my very own copy of this classic last week. Am I excited? Hell yes! Mine's a very nice 1973 second edition and well worth the search. It adds to the collection (obviously) but it is also a kind of "foundation piece" as all my other books refer to it in some form. In the case of Featherstone's Naval War Games an entire chapter in fact.

Mermaids with beers? Awesome!

I now fully understand why it is hailed as the Patient Zero of naval wargame rules. Reading through I can see elements of these rules in pretty much every type of naval wargame I have ever played. Now I just need half a dozen like minded-individuals, some ships and a medium-large sized ballroom...


Saturday 10 January 2015

Painting Challenge Update

I must apologise as I've been a little remiss with my postings of late. I'm spending a fair chunk of time with a brush in my had for the Challenge but then not bothering to post any of my work here after it appears on the Challenge blog. All that aside, here's what has been painted since my last update...

Da Deff Kaps, another unit of Savage Orc Boyz with hand weapons, shields still to come.

Da Purpul Porkas, mounted Savage Orc Boyz.

OMLGG!!! Just WHERE did you get that sabretooth jumpsuit?!?

Savage Orc BSB, Warboss and hanger on...

Old skool metal Wood Elf Dryads (because I could)...

15mm battle suits and spider drones for the Titan Marines...

A few 15mm walkers for who-knows-what...

More loyal servants of the Emperor join the Angelicus Mechanicus...

And lastly the start of my Warmaster Empire army...

I've also managed to get in a couple of games with Ev (Warhammer fantasy) and Nug (Shako Napoleonics) in both of which I had my rear end towelled up, in no small part due to my appalling dice rolling. Hopefully my luck improves tomorrow against Cory in Flames of War!

And despite the above, my lead pile has been added to once again thanks to the amazing generosity of the many wonderful people I game with. More Warmaster Empire and 40K from Ev and Claire, a Char B1 bis from Cory and Anita, FoW Carriers from Marcus and a Desert Caravan from Mr Dave Docherty Esq., who of course made good on our Handbag Side Challenge as any gentleman would. Thank you all!

Yes, Shaeffer's IS complete and pretty much MINT. Yes, I did squeal like a girl.
Til next time...

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