Sunday 28 August 2016

Dystopian Wars - Kingdom of Britannia Update

Week one of the push to finish my Kingdom of Britannia fleet for Dystopian Wars has been most profitable. I've finished a large chunk of the surface force which is really pleasing as I thought it would take another week at least to reach this point.

Here's some shots of everything finished since last Sunday's kick-off post...

One battleship, two heavy cruisers, three light cruisers, three support cruisers, nine destroyers and nine frigates. I'll do that math for you... 27 surface craft in total!

In the end it's all about the heavies so here are some close-ups.

The only slightly disappointing aspect is the blue on the hulls doesn't match the existing stuff. It's a bit darker and I suspect that's because I used a different colour and have run out. Coupled with zero notes and a dodgy memory of the original process and this is what happens. No matter, I'll just update the original hulls to the darker blue which I prefer anyway as it happens.

Next week... carrier, aircraft and submersibles!


Saturday 27 August 2016

Big Lee turns 2,000,000

This is something quite special which deserves to be publicised. Big Lee has passed a simply incredible milestone on his blog... 2 MILLION (yes, you read that right!) hits. Congrats Lee!

There's a reason for this of course. Lee's a wonderful chap with a great sense of humour and he writes interesting, thought provoking posts and covers a wide range of periods and genres. What's not to like? Evidently not much if anything judging by his hit counter :-)

Lee is having a most generous giveaway to celebrate so pay him a visit and see just why he's racked up such an amazing total. You won't be disappointed.


Sunday 21 August 2016

Next up... Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia

Right.... so time for the next big project "finishing" effort. As discussed last post this will be an all out assault on all the remaining Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia naval miniatures. I've just bought a copy of the simplified Fleet Action rules and we're discussing a big name in about six weeks so I'm seriously motivated.

Most of this stuff I picked up at CANCON earlier this year for an absolute song. It hardly even qualifies as lead pile it's been here for such a short time! I've spent some time this weekend prepping and will finish that stage today hopefully so I can paint through the week. We're due a load of rain thankfully so I won't be able to do any prep so best be done before hand. I love painting while it rains so I'm quite looking forward to it!

Here's everything I've got to do...

That's not the easiest to see due to the black undercoat already applied to some stuff so here's a quick list:

1 x Fleet Carrier and tiny fliers
1 x Battleship
2 x Hood Battlecruisers
3 x Cruisers
9 x Destroyers
9 x Frigates
1 x Submarine Wolf Pack
2 x Scout Planes

That's quite a lot of stuff but it paints up relatively quickly and is a nice diversion from all the infantry painted of late.

I'm planning on continuing with the same colour scheme. For those who have not seen my previous stuff, here is what my existing force looks like...

Roll over and play dead.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Flames of War DAK Project finished!

Phew! This one has really taken some time to get over the line, a solid three weeks of effort in fact. When I think about it I've basically painted the entire infantry and support formations for a solid 2000 point Tunisian army so maybe not so bad after all. Excuse the photos, it's well past bedtime and I just wanted to get this posted.

First up, HQ and a 10.5cm battery...

Two full strength Panzergrenadier battalions (all the transport is already done)...

And finally a full heavy platoon as well...

I've still got to add a few bushes to the bases but otherwise this project is done and dusted. In total I've got something like 4,000 points of DAK so stay tuned for better photos in the shape of another army gallery page sooner rather than later.

What's next? A breather I think and then perhaps a boat load of Dystopiand Wars Kingdom of Britannia if I can muster the energy.


Sunday 7 August 2016

Army galleries added

Just a quick note to say I've added two new army galleries today, both for 40K.


and Space Marines...

Hope you like em!

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