Well after telling myself that I would use these holidays to finish off my US forces for Flames of War I decided instead to start my Grenadier army. Now this army has been 'seasoning' in a drawer for almost a couple of years - so its ripe and ready for getting some desk time.
All of the vehicles have already been undercoated and about half have been base-coated. After seeing Millsy and Cory's efforts with the new FOW Vehicle Paint sprays - I'm waiting til I get my hands on the late war german one before moving forward with those. Millsy showed me a neat trick using blue-tac and Tamiya spray paint to do three colour camouflage. So I'll hopefully be blogging the results of that in the coming days.

So whilst I wait for the local hobby shop to get stock I've been prepping the reminaing units. So far I have three platoons of grenadiers (one being pioneer), HQ, pak40s, artillery, 88s & all assorted crews.

Tomorrow weather permitting I'll start undercoating all of that as well as finishing off the MG, Mortar and Infantry guns squads.
Then onto the painting!
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